How to write a narrative paper
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Fashion and Gender free essay sample
In the western culture, design has influenced and mirrored the qualifications between the social and efficient status of people consistently. From the nineteenth century on, sex, social comprehension of gentility and manliness, became more clear and increasingly exact. They were recognizable through design and attire and were a significant viewpoint in recognizing jobs of people. Be that as it may, changes in style will obscure as much as underline the contrasts between sexual orientation, developing in equal acquiring from each other. In this manner, as the consistent changes in design, the degree of contrasts among people shifted very so frequently. Style was impacting and characterizing sexual orientation job and sex way of life was affecting design. Manly men and ladylike ladies The principal indications of sexual orientation qualifications showed up toward the beginning of the nineteenth century following the French Revolution. Notwithstanding isolating social classes, design presently settled an unmistakable division among male and female dress. Men were not, at this point powdered or perfumed and they disposed of trimmings and wigs, presently implies of gentility. Their garments was portrayed by a confined utilization of material, custom-made development, disentangled arrangement of surface, consistency, net and unblemished pieces of clothing, immaculate caps and constrained shading (29 January). As per the stream down impact, design patterns were still made by the high societies and were trailed by others down the scale (05 February). At that point, as per Georg Simmel, two kinds of guys rose up out of the white collar class. Dandies were supporters of the relaxation class and never conflicted with a specific style clothing regulation while bohemian were dismissing design (05 February). Men of the high society are described as a Flaneur by Walter Benjamin: â€Å"Empathy is the idea of the inebriation to which the flaneur forsakes himself [†¦]†(05 February). The privileged despite everything expected to adhere to three principles so as to remain on top and shield the white collar class from rising; the costly texture, the absence of development exacted by the piece of clothing and the curiosity of the gathering (05 February). They adjusted to a prominent way of life with their nonattendance of work and capacity in the general public, yet in a more inconspicuous route than ladies as far as dress (29 January). To be sure, ladies turned into a physical presentation speaking to the husband’s riches through style, guaranteeing their social status in the relaxation class; the new blue-bloods. Significant social events, for example, the Grand Prix de Paris were where â€Å"one went to the races, with regards to the theater, halfway to investigate the ladies and their apparel†(Hebert, 24). They would wear different hues, dresses with pouf skirts, light textures, beading and blossom trimmings, parasols and different extras. Ladies were put in the bleeding edge with design and without any job or force. [†¦] the enhancement of both the female individual and her condition was a statement of women’s mediocre monetary force and her economic wellbeing as a man’s chattel†(Veblen, 91). Unattached and unmarried ladies were additionally expected to dressed consciously and elegantly for the pride of her family and for future spouses. Lower-level ladies, for example, on-screen characters and whores, who were blending with the high society, wore all the more noteworthy garments yet in style. Ladies were thought of as silly and reasonable animals who clung to form by shortcoming, to have a feeling of having a place. During the nineteenth century and mid twentieth century, there is an unmistakable qualification among man and lady design. It is reflected in their garments and in their economic wellbeing and job in the general public. Sexual orientation was effectively recognizable with the shape framed by the article of clothing. While men wear clean cut, calm and strong suits, holding all the force, the ladies dress in delicate, detailed and bright dresses, trophies to the men. ? Design topsy turvy With the beginning of the World War I, ladies were currently assisting and filling increasingly manly employments. Jobs were not, at this point unmistakably characterized by hysical attributes. â€Å"Because while war work constrained ladies to life in new social and physical situations, they needed to adjust their dress to new exercises and spaces†(Matthews David, 101). New innovation and new battle procedures implied additionally a change in menswear. Officers needed to wear outfits that shro uded their manly structures to permit development. They supplanted their level and square shaped caps with an increasingly ladylike and cycle one with leaves and blossoms to stow away in the channels. â€Å"A unequivocal layout, a generally manly property, demonstrated a destructive impairment in battle†(Matthews David, 97). High society men were customarily expected to show their status through dress. The appearance of the war obscured differentiations between classes as both needed to partake in the war exertion. Men were not, at this point futile and inadequate in the general public, with implied a fundamental change in design. Limitations in extravagance textures, for example, silk, hide and decorations, constrained a change of men’s manly and lavish clothing. All men were currently wearing pullover texture apparel, darker earth hues and gentler outlines. In the mid twentieth century, there was a prominent requirement for change in design. While men were embracing female style to make due during the war, ladies began acquiring the rearranged and direct manly outline. â€Å"The flip side of this feminization of the expert sharpshooter was the considerably more summed up masculinization of women’s non military personnel and uniform dress during the war†(Matthews David, 101). They began wearing suits with calm hues to adjust to their progressively dynamic way of life in the fighting. The last was the beginning of a changing job in the public eye for ladies. Prior to this change, ladies had no force on design or society. They were presently required for work and they demonstrated to be proficient. This permitted ladies to settle on choices and have a positive job society. By receiving the manly look, they picked up power. They were not, at this point considered as an accomplice to men. The trades of specific attributes of sexual orientation made the differentiations and the distinctions increasingly foggy. The World War I was a defining moment in design for the two people. Deficiencies of materials changed attire; new textures rose, new outlines utilizing less textures, less decorations, less fatty cuts, suits for ladies and milder garments for men. Ladies were presently looking pretty much like men with the square suits and straight dresses, demanding their jobs as ladies like the dresses itself hold the force. While men were as yet the prevailing player, ladies were reexamining their situation in general society and private circle. ? End To finish up, sexual orientation is a social impression of ma nliness and gentility. Through the nineteenth and twentieth century, the two people were influenced by design; sex driving the qualifications. Genders were characterized by sexual orientation in the nineteenth century with the particular patterns of attire for each. Men were wearing spotless and direct cuts, demonstrating their square shaped figures, while ladies wore intricate and paltry garments featuring their outline. Jobs were likewise plainly extraordinary as indicated by sexual orientation. Men held all the influence and ladies served of extras, showing the husband’s riches. The World War I went about as a defining moment for people. Both were changing their style on account of their dynamic way of life by embracing every others sex attributes of design. Men relaxed their figures while ladies began wearing manly suits. Sexual orientation contrasts became were obscured and jobs re-imagined; ladies picked up force and all men got utilitarian for the general public. Consequently, the degree of qualification between sexual orientation is in steady change. Design impacts sexual orientation jobs and sex way of life impacts style. The last hazy spots, mixes just as accentuation the social impression of what a men and a ladies is and resembles. Sexual orientation keeps on influencing and reflect differentiations between genders, both continually acquiring and trading from each other.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Babson College Admissions - SAT Scores, Costs, and More
Babson College Admissions - SAT Scores, Costs, and the sky is the limit from there Affirmations at Babson College are specific. Just around one-fourth of candidates are conceded. Understudies can applyâ using the Common Application. Notwithstanding this application, understudies must present a secondary school transcript, test scores from either the SAT or ACT and letters of suggestion. While an affirmations meet isn't required, it is unequivocally encouraged. Calculate your odds of getting inâ with Cappexs free instrument. Confirmations Data (2016) Babson College Acceptance Rate: 25%GPA, SAT and ACT chart for Babson Grades: 25th/75th Percentile SAT Critical Reading: 560/650SAT Math: 610/720SAT Writing: -/ - Top Massachusetts school SAT comparisonWhat these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 27/31ACT English: 26/32ACT Math: 27â /33What these ACT numbers meanTop Massachusetts school ACT correlation Babson College Description Babson College is a personal business college found near Wellesley Collegeâ in the well-off Boston suburb of Wellesley, Massachusetts. All Babson understudies study business and work towards a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. The educational program underlines initiative and business aptitudes, and all understudies get broad reasonable, hands-on preparing. The school has won various national honors for its inventive way to deal with business training. First-year understudies at Babson take a year-long course in which understudy groups create, dispatch and exchange a revenue driven business of their own design.â Explore the grounds with the Babson College photograph visit. With all of Babson Colleges qualities, it should not shock anyone that the school made the rundowns ofâ top Massachusetts collegesâ andâ top New England universities. For data on different schools in the region, look at this article on Boston-region schools and colleges. Enlistment (2016) All out Enrollment: 3,165â (2,283 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 52% Male/48% Female100% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Educational cost and Fees: $48,288Books: $1,050 (why so much?)Room and Board: $15,376Other Expenses: $1,850Total Cost: $66,564 Babson College Financial Aid (2015â -16) Level of New Students Receiving Aid: 56%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 48%Loans: 39%Average Amount of AidGrants: $37,159Loans: $8,033 Scholastic Programs Most Popular Majors: Business AdministrationWhat major is directly for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time understudies): 95%4-Year Graduation Rate: 87%6-Year Graduation Rate: 91% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Baseball, Track, and Field, Lacrosse, Swimming, Basketball, Golf, Ice Hockey, Skiing, Tennis, SoccerWomens Sports: Track and Field, Field Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Swimming, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Skiing Information Source: National Center for Educational Statistics Babson and the Common Application Babson College utilizes the Common Application. These articles can help direct you: Basic Application paper tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental exposition tips and tests
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Section 1 -- Question 4 ----------------------- Satellites Orbit The E
Area 1 - Question 4 - - Satellites circle the earth doing our offering in manners that enhance the lives of practically we all. Through electronic eyes from many miles overhead, they lead miners to mineral stores invisble on earth's surface. Transferring interchanges at the speed of light, they contract the planet until its most removed individuals are just a brief moment separated. They bar world climate to our parlor TV and guide sends through tempests. Diving low over zones of conceivable antagonistic vibe, spies in the sky keep up a reconnaissance that helps keep harmony in an unpredictable world. What number of items, exaclty, are circling out there? The present tally is 4,914. The satellites start with a dispatch, which in the U.S. happens at Cape Canaveral in Florida, NASA's Wallops Flight Center in Virginia, or, for polar orbiters, Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. One satellite in 20 is disabled by the shock of lift-off, or bites the dust in the inferno of a deficient rocket impact, or is pushed into inappropriate circle. A couple just disappear into the monstrosity of room. At the point when a satellite rises up out of the rocket's defensive cover, radiotelemety consistently gives an account of its wellbeing to nonstop groups of ground controllers. They watch over the temperatures and voltages of the art's electronic sensory system and other fundamental organs, consistently basic with machines whose sunward side might be 300 degress more blazing than the concealed part. When a satellite accomplishes circle - that sensitive condition where the draw of earth's gravity is coordinated by the outward throw of the Page 2 - makes speed- - unobtrusive weights cause it to go off to some far away place. Sun oriented flares cause the satellite to leave circle. Wisps of external environment drag its speed. Like strands of spiderweb, gravity feilds of the earth, moon, and sun pull at the circling spacefarer. Indeed, even the daylight's delicate touch applie s a delicate push. Should a satellite start to meander, ground groups fire little fuel streams that steer it back on course. This is done sparingly, for fatigue of these gases closes an art's helpful vocation. Under such burdens, numerous satellites most recent 2 years. At the point when passing is just a second away, controllers may order the art to hop into a high circle, so it will climb away from earth, shielding orbital ways from getting excessively jumbled. Others become ensnarled in the gravity web; gradually they are brought into gravitational that fill in as space burial grounds. A satellite for interchanges would truly be an incredible recieving wire tower, hundreds or even a huge number of miles over the earth, fit for transmitting messages momentarily over the seas and mainlands. Not long after the dispatch of ATWS-6, the Teacher in the sky, (a satellite intended to help individuals) NASA ground controllers prepared its recieving wire on Appalachia. There is brought even ing school classes to teachers whose segregation denied open door for headway. The utilization of Satellites is developing quickly as is the various occupations for them.
Mass Extinctions in the fossil record during End Permian Research Paper
Mass Extinctions in the fossil record during End Permian - Research Paper Example What recognizes the hypotheses is their legitimacy in observational terms just as significance experimentally. The principal huge hypothesis implies that at the hour of the mass eradication of species possessing the earth, there could have been an extremely calamitous event of volcanic emission. The greatness of the volcanic ejection could have been large to such an extent that it wound up clearing out a critical extent of the earth’s populace. The other proposition insinuates that a shooting star may have struck the earth in this manner inciting the passing of various species that involved it. What interests is the size of fiasco that could have cleared out practically all the species embellishing the earth without making a significant harm the earth’s crustal stone layers. In addition, the selectivity in the endurance of the species likewise brings questions up regarding the hypotheses implied offer the clarification to the event of the crash. Developmental and archeological investigations have brought up to the conceivable event of a time of a close to elimination of the considerable number of species on the earth’s surface. This was regardless of their living space. This period is alluded to as the end Permian time. The events at the time have not been found out. The truth of the matter is that there have just been speculations advanced to perhaps attempt to clarify the wonders that happened at that point. The accompanying talk puts the events during the end Permian time into point of view. The center is to attempt and fundamentally investigations the event of occasions during the time. In doing that, the works tries to make references to hypotheses proposed by researchers with respect to clarifying the event. The hypotheses or specifications are completely chosen relying upon their pertinence, exactness, just as experimental legitimacy. The goal is to attempt to give a potential ordered record to the event of the close to termination of
Friday, August 21, 2020
To Do vs. To Make
To Do versus To Make To Do versus To Make To Do versus To Make By Maeve Maddox Calling attention to that a few dialects, similar to Russian, have just a single action word to communicate the implications of English make and do, a peruser demands a little direction: If you don't mind would you be able to clarify the contrast between the action words â€Å"to do†and â€Å"to make.†Is there a recipe or technique? Would that I could propose some idiot proof standard for realizing when to utilize do and when to utilize make. Some broad rules do exist, yet for a large number of the colloquialisms, remembrance is the ESL speaker’s just plan of action. As a rule, the action word do and its structures are utilized to discuss obligations, employments, or recreation exercises: Britain expects that each man will perform his responsibility. Who does your hair? He’s serving time for attack. She can’t do what's needed for that lay-about spouse of hers. Jake does the crossword each morning on the train. Have you gotten your work done? The action word make is utilized to discuss building, making, or performing something: The organization has made a proposal on another structure. Reason me while I make a call. The youngster scowled behind the teacher’s back. The developers are gaining ground on the house. Time is running out; we should settle on a choice at this point. We attempted to move without making a clamor. It’s conceivable to utilize do with a verb modifier: I trust he will do well there. He did seriously in his last employment. Make is normally trailed by a thing: make the bed present appropriate reparations commit an error make a visit give a discourse Exemptions are the sayings â€Å"to make nice†(carry on in a pleasing way), and â€Å"to make do†(coexist with what one has†): His mom instructed him to make decent with the neighbor’s youngsters. As we haven’t the cash for another vehicle, we will need to manage with this one. A considerable number of articulations that are utilized with make can be rethought with action words that relate to the thing that follows make or with another action word: to make an admission > to admit to make a visit > to visit to make a proposal > to recommend to scowl > to frown to pretend > to envision Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Neither... or on the other hand?
Thursday, August 20, 2020
ADHD Stay Focused at Work
Tips to Help Adults With ADD/ADHD Stay Focused at Work Work can cause many frustrations for those with ADD (Attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Finding effective strategies to help you cope with areas of weakness can make a big difference in your work success and overall happiness. Here are some tips and strategies for making your work life easier and more productive. Top Areas of Work Difficulty for People With ADD and ADHD Why is the workplace so tough for people ADD/ADHD? Here are some of the top challenges that may get between you and career success: staying focused on tasks,tuning out distractions,disorganization,taking on multiple tasks and not finishing them,failure to meet deadlines,paying attention in long meetings,missing important details in conversations,boredom,forgetfulness,communicating with others in an effective way,feeling undervalued How to Maintain Focus and Increase Productivity If You Have ADD or ADHD Try these tips for working with ADD/ADHD: Avoid Multitasking to Stay Focused Staying focused and on task is necessary in order to get work completed. Some people find that this is when multitasking becomes a problem. Rather than staying focused on one task, an individual becomes distracted by multiple tasks yet none ever get completed. When one’s mind begins to wander and is distracted, not only does work not get done, many individuals find that they end up working late or taking work home at night or on the weekend in order to catch up. This often creates more stress and less downtime for fun. It also impedes on home life and makes it more difficult to keep a healthy work-life balance. Break Down the Day Into Small Blocks of Time to Work on Tasks You can create a variation on this strategy for the office: Schedule the full day in 4 2-hour blocks of 45 min, 45 min, and 30 min. Then, power down on one project for 45 minutes, then change focus to a different project for 45 minutes and then take a 30-minute break. This ensures variety and the opportunity to get up and move â€" both great ways to complete tasks without too much pain! Break Down the Work Into Smaller, More Manageable Chunks Breaking tasks down into smaller pieces can help you to feel less overwhelmed with all there is to do. When work feels insurmountable, procrastination can quickly take over and it can be hard to get started on any task at all. Chunking work into smaller, more manageable steps helps. Use a Timer There is more than one way to use a timer. For some people, setting a timer for 45 minutes of work followed by a 15-minute break can make it easier to get through the day. Shorter work/break periods may work better for other people. The trick is to be sure that the amount of time you allow for work is significant enough to complete a portion of the task at hand â€" and that break time is long enough to feel refreshed but short enough to avoid getting involved in a new activity. Use Visual Reminders Here is a very creative and fun way to stay alert and focused on tasks: post personalized acronyms around the office to remind yourself of social and work rules that will help you manage your day. A few suggestions: TTF - Time to FocusLABP - Listen and Be PresentCTT -- Count to Ten Connect With Positive Coworkers A supportive co-worker who understands your issues with staying on task can be a great help in redirecting you. Some people have found that it has been helpful to share information about ADD/ADHD with their employers and together come up with simple accommodations to make work more successful. For others, however, this has been an area to avoid if possible. Use a Hand-Held Fidgit to Help You Focus During Long Meetings Bring an object with you into meetings, like a small ball to roll in your hands, a tactile Koosh ball to squeeze, a pen to twirl through fingers, or paper for doodling. A pen and paper are also helpful to use to take notes or jot down any thoughts, questions, or ideas that pop into your head during the meeting. Check to Be Sure You Got the Message If you tend to lose focus while someone is talking to you, try to paraphrase back what is said periodically during the conversation. This keeps you active and involved and helps assure that you are getting and understanding the important points the person is trying to convey. You can do this by email or memo if its easier and more effective. Alternatively, if you catch yourself drifting during a conversation and realize you have no idea what was just said, simply ask for it to be repeated. Block Noise to Avoid Distractions If possible, request a private office and shut the door to block out the distractions from others. If this isn’t possible, ask to be placed in a spot away from the hustle and bustle of the main work area. Of course, these options aren’t always available. Many have found ear plugs, white noise, and soft music to be helpful. Use Planners to Avoid Disorganization and Forgetfulness Get into the habit of actively using large calendars, day planners, PDAs, daily to-do lists, and routines. Stick with the strategy that works for you. Use Calming Techniques to Keep Temper Under Control When Frustrated Take a minute to slow down and gather your thoughts. If feelings become too intense, excuse yourself from the conversation until you have better control. Write things down to prepare yourself for what to say. Rehearse.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Swot Analysis For Different Business Types Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Family business is definitely a strength for RCDC as in a family owned business ,the owners view their as an asset to pass on to their descendants rather than wealth to consume during their lifetimes (carron,1999).In addition,as recently argued by Zellweger(2007),the extended time horizon that characterizes family firms reduces the marginal risk of an investment and therefore the corresponding risk-equivalent cost of equity capital (McNulty,Yeh,schulze and Lubatkin,2002).Consequently,family owned firms can seize investment opportunities their non-family competitors do not consider as sufficiently attractive or consider too risky;such a situation offers family owned firms the possibility of developing their activities unhindered by aggressive competitors and of conquering markets that competitors cannot enter(Zellweger,2007,p-9) Moreover,families may bring with them significant financial and physical resources,called survivability capital(Simon and Hitt,2003),which can be used to sustain the business during economic hardship or after unsuccessful strategic movies (Dyer,2006).These elements are usually known by customers and suppliers,who may establish and cultivate long-lasting relationships because of the goodwill and trustworthiness generated by the family commitment (dollinger 1995). 2)Strong Criticism from shareholders: The continuous negative feedback from directors of warwick investments regarding the poor dividend payment record and the lack of strategic direction is actually a strength of RCDC as it acts as a drive for improvement .It is because of this critism and the drop in turnover that the Lancasters and Yorks are trying to find every possible way to save their business and satisfy the stakeholders. 3)Longterm experience in the dry cleaning business: As per the case RCDC has been in the dry cleaning business for more than a decade and they have managed to run the business reasonably well which means that they have had a go od market share and enough customers to patronize and a fairly good knowledge of the particular business. They can use this experience to overcome the weaknesss and excel in their traditional business. 4)Flexi-timing: The RCDC has got boh full time and partime staff which is a strength as it increases the employee morale ,engagement and commitment to the organisation.It reduces the absenteeism to a certain level and increase the chances of recruiting outstanding employees.It even helps in reducing the staff turnover and developing the image of the employer. Weaknesses: 1)High staff turnover: As mentioned in the case, RCDC is facing a hgh level of staff turnover at both staff and managerial level which is one of the causes of the reduced organisational performance .Excessive employee turnover can hurt the overall productivity of a firm and is often a symptom of other difficulties.Every organisation strives to have high productivity,lesser turnovers and maximum profitability.managing turnover successfully is a must to achieve the above goals.Abassi and Hollman(200) stressed that the managers must recognise the employees as major contributor to the efficient achievement of the organisations success.Furthermore,highly motivated and performing individuals are the crucial factors of the organisational productivity. Therefore,there is need to develop a thorough understanding of the employee turnover from the perspective of causes,effect and strategies to minimize turnover. 2) Absence of training and development: This another weakness of RCDC wh ich is worth mentioning as this can be a major cause for employee turnover as there is no growth within the organisation.according to the case ,the training and development interventions are completely nonexistent which means that there is no scope for employees to develop or achiveve some sort expertise in their particular professions.Moreover,Training and development is asource of competitive advantage for companies which helps to remove performance deficiencies in employees. There I greater stability,flexibility and capacity for growth in an organisation.Training contributes to employee stability in at least two ways .Employees become efficient after undergoing training. Efficient employees contribute to the growth of the organisation and growth in trn renders stability to the workforce. 3)safety Measures at work: The mishap that happened with one of the employees at RCDC makes it evident that safety measures are completely missing in the company which means RCDC is putt ing the ife of its employees at risk by making them work in an unsafe environment which in turn spoils the image of the company. 4) Conflict among the owners: There is a lot of conflict among the owners of the RCDC which is one of the root causes of the underperformance of the company.There is no strategic planning ,no control and no direction at all. Threats: 1)Competion: One of the main threats to all the businesss is competion and RCDC is no exception.RCDCs main competitor is Bletcheys fast clean plc which operstes approximately in the same geographical area .The Bletcheys can even take advantage of the internal problems faced by RCDC to take greater market compared to RCDC, the marketing strategies and pricing policies of Bletcheys.are better and their success rate is also quite high which is why many of the RCDC employees have joined Bletchey and they have been able to pull many of the customers along with them. 2) Seasonal work : Usually people consider dry cleaning for woollen and expensive clothes so the sales tend to be higher in winter and autumn where as summer is marked with reduced sales as the clothes are machine washable. 3) Increasing nmber of supermarkets Another threat posing the traditional neighbourhood dry cleaning business is the increasing number of supermarkets having the dry cleaning store s.Most of the pople nowa-a-days find it convenient to shop from these supermarkets where they get their clothes also drycleaned.This can eventually lead to complete extinction of the traditional drycleaning. 4)Legal issues: Court cases filed against RCDC by its employees is another threat to the smooth functioning of the business.Firstly it can spoil the image of the company by reducing the sales and secondly it does not allow the management to concentrate completely on their business as most of their time goes in finding new ways to deal with these problems. Opportunities: 1)Diversification of business: One of the opportunities is to diversify their business into areas such as shoe repairs,film processing,key cutting and contract cleaning in addition to achieveing a level of excellence in their core business i.e dry cleaning.Diversifiacation can help RCDC with increased profitability and seasonal challenges. 2)Innovative Marketing strategies: RCDC can come up with some innovative marketing ideas to top the market e.g:E-marketing,offering discounts to its loyal customers etc.It can also improve its customer service by providing the option of home delivery which can prove convenient to customers having a busy daily routine and can even beat the threat of one stop-shopping. 3)Improved organistioanl strategies: RCDC needs to implement training and development programmes for employees which can help in attracting more and more people for work,reduce employee turnover and will make the process more organised.Safety measures also needs to be included in this program so that the rate of accident is minimised. 4)Centralisation of operations: Decentralisation Iis a better opportunity than centralisation as decentralisation would lead to better customer care and speedy dry cleaning which could be helpful in getting more customers and increasing the profits .In addition to this store managers should be given more responsibility and powers so that they can take decisions regarding an problem related to the specific store as and required and do not have to depend on getting orders from headquarters. Present and potential problems faced by RCDC in the following areas: a)Operations management and organisational issues: Operatins management is the activity of managing the resources which produce and deliver products and services.The operations function is the part of the oranisation that is responsible for this activity.Every organisation has an operations function because every organisation produces some type of products and /or services.Page 4 No organisation can survive in the long term if it cannot supply its customers effectively.And this is essentially what operation s management is about designing,producing and delivering products and services that satisfy market requirements.For any business,it is a vitally important activity. General problems in operations management faced by small and medium sized organisations : Operations management is just as important in small organisations as it is in large ones.Irrespective of their size,all companies need to produce and deliver their products and services efficiently and effectively.Ho wever,in practice,managing operations in a small or medium size organizations has its own set of problems.Large companies may have the resources to dedicate individuals to specialized tasks but smaller companies often cannot,so people may have to do different jobs as the need arises.such an informal structure can allow the company to respond quickly as opportunities or problems present themselves.But decision making can also become confused as individuals roles overlap.small companies may have exactly the same operations management issues as large ones but they can be more difficult to separate from the mass of other issues in the organisation. Present and potential operations management problems faced by RCDC can be discussed a follows: 1)No understanding of the operations strategic performance objectives: The first and foremost responsibility of any operations management team is to understand what it is trying to achieve,which means understanding how to judge the performa nce of the operation at different levels,from broad and strategic to more operational performance objectives.The management in RCDC is not paying any attention to this crucial area which can lead to further damange to the companys market share. 2)Operations strategy for the organisation: Operations management involves hundreds of minutes by minute decisions so it is vital that there is a set of general principles which can guide decision-making towards the organisations longer term goals called an operations strategy.RCDC do not have any specific operations strategy which is why the organisational growth is suffering and will continue to suffer if this issue is not addressed. 3)No measures for improving the performance of the operations: The continuing responsibility of all operations managers is to omprove the performance of their operations which is another issue to be addressed in RCDC. 4)social responsibility of operations management: It is increasingly recogni sed by many businesses that operations manager have a set of broad societal responsibilities and concerns beyond their direct activities.the general term for these aspects of business responsibility is corporate social responsibility or CSR.The accident that took place with one of the employees and the managements attitude towards that incident makes it evident that RCDC completely lacks CSR.This has already spoiled the brand image of the company and can ruin it completely. All these issues can turn RCDC into a failing organisation. Organisational Issues: 1)Due to the heavy drop in sales over the last few months ,the directors are considering centralisation of operations at Leicestershire site leading the company to substantial savings in staff costs and providing it with the opportunity to dispose of surplus machinery.However due to the conflict between the owners the idea of centralisation does not seem to work out.If any decision is not taken in the near future, the profitability of the company will keep going down and finally the owners may have to close don the company. 2)The present 24 branches operated by RCDC are not at all enough as far as the idea of centralisation is concerned.RCDCs main target is to increase the sales and for doing this they have to attract more and more customers which can only happen if they provide better and quik services to their customers as compared to the,the geographical coverage is very important for the growth of the business. 3)The problem of moving goods from the retail outlets to the plant and then back to the outlets and customers is another issue which needs to be addressed.Making goods and services available to the customers on time is the biggest challenge for all the organisations as it is one of the ways of building healthy relationship with customers and making them loyal to the company. c)Sales and maketing Issues: Marketing Planning: Marketing Planning can be defined as the application of marketing resources to achieve marketing objectives(P-16,marketing plans that work) In simple words marketing planning is a series of activities and the formulation of plans for achieving them.Companies generally go through a management process in developing marketing plans .In small ,undiversified companies this process is usually informal and same is the case with RCDC.RCDC needs a much more systematized marketing plan to target more customers. Constructing a marketing plan is the most difficult tak for RCDC as the owners do not agree to each other and they all have different expectations and goals altogether. 2)Decling Sales: The sales of RCDC are decling rigorously and the company is not taking any serious action regarding this issue .The company needs to conduct a marketing audit which is usually conducted by organisations in situation of decling sales ,falling margins,lost market share etc.Marketing audit is a means of defining problems precisely so that each problem can be addressed and eradicated. 3)Undiversification: According to the case ,Yorks want to diversify their business and move into related ares such as Shoe repairs,film processing.key cutting and contract cleaning which is actually a good idea to increase the overall profitability and can help RCDC to overcome the bad phase of reduced sales .Hoever the disagreement from lancasters is not allowing this idea to be turned into reality. 4)Sales Promotion: d)Personnel and industrial relations: 1)Training and development: Absence of training of and development is one of the biggest problems in RCDC.As per the case training and development programmes are considered to be an expense to the company and the employees are expected to pick up work as they go.Training and development can provide RCDC with the much needed competitive edge by improving the performance of the workers and the organisation as a whole. If this practice continues RCDC will completely fail in attracting employees to work for it ,as there are no growth opportunities for employees. 2)employee relations: As per the case ,there is a lot of friction between the employees and the management which is one of the many reasons for RCDCs high staff turn over.The management needs to value its employees and show concern to their problems as the employees are the building blocks of any organisation.In order to achieve longterm goals and future success RCDC must improve its relations with its employees. 3) Health and safety: The workers at RCDC are prone to accidents as there are no health and safety measures .The management is only concerned about increasing the profits without a proper planning and concern about the people who can actually help RCDC achieve it. 4)Job dissatisfaction: The high employee turnover makes it quite eveident that the employees are not at all satisfied with their job at RCDC.There can be various reasons for it e.d: No growth opportunities. Risk factor No concern for employees well being from the management. Work stress. Competitors etc. 5)Orientation : Orientation programmes are must for every organisation as it helps new employees to get aware of the work practices and the expectations of the organisation.These orientation programmes are completely missing in RCDC and it effects the perception of employees. 6)legal issues: RCDC is dealing with court cases which is not a good sign for the growth of any business as it affec ts the brand image. 7)Internal conflicts: Another serious issue is the conflict between the owners which has created a sort of deadlock in the company as no plans are put into action.These internal problems have already affected and can futher affect the goodwill of the company. Accounting and Finance: The present and potential problems faced by RCDC in accounting and finance are as follows: 1) Payment of dividends: One of the main problems in RCDC is the poor dividend payment plan.Every organisation has a responsibility towards its stakeholders and if an organisation does not fullfill the expections of its shareholders,it has to bear the consequences such as internal conflicts,loss of credibility,reduced sales etc.which is exactly the case with RCDC.Therefore, RCDC has to improve the standard of paying dividends to its shareholders and for doing so ,it has to manage its financial resources in a proper and planned way and keep maximising the shareholders wealth. If the business is to achieve its objective of maximising shareholder wealth then it must use its resouces to maximise profits and cash flows.This will maximise shareholder wealth because there is general agreement that share prices reflect the discounted value of a firms cash flows.Whilst it may not be possible to increase dividends every year,shareholders like to know that dividends will be paid because they provide a signal to investors.A reduction in dividends is likely to lead to a reduction in share price because the signal to the market is one of the financial difficulties ahead.such a reduction in a firms share price will in evitably have other financial implications.The company may become target for a possible take over,particularly if another company believes that the reduction in earnings has been brought about by poor management rather than hostile trading conditions.Even if this does not happen the company may well see its credit rating reduced thus increasing its capital costs because of the increased risk perceived by investors.Capital spending may also have to be stopped in an attempt to protect the firms cash flow. 2)Financing the new project of centralisation: RCDC is considering centralisation of operations which according to the management will help in reducing sta ff costs and the concentration of operations will allow the company to take advantage of the economies of scale.In,addition to this the machinery in the branches could be sold off to get some finance to invest in the new plant.The main problem with the centralisation is that the company is not having enough funds to invest in the new plant which is estimated to cost around 7,50,000 pounds.even selling off the surplus machinery in branches will hardly aid in solving the finance problem. At present ,there is no possibility of assuming any increase in sales ,that leaves RCDC with the option of taking a loan from a bank to finanace the project and for doing this the company needs to discuss the profitability of the proposed project which is expected to be 1300000 pounds that can act a basis for the bank authorities to sanction the loan.However ,considering the present market condition of the company ,it is quite difficult for RCDC to get a loan sanctioned from a bank as it has lost i ts credibility.Even if RCDC manages to get a loan ,it has to give a serious thought on how to repay the loan.Every business and every new project involves risk,but it should be a calculated one.Calculated risk makes the success of a company more predictable while, uncalculated risk can completely damage the business. 3)Costs involved in the new project: As per the proposed plan,only the staff cost is showing a reduction by 1,80,000 pounds all other costs are assumed to be same or to show an increase e.g,the head office cost at present is 240 and even for the new plant ,it is proposed to be 240, but the operating surplus is supposed to increase by 130000 pounds,same is the case with flat rental and other entities.According to the data provided in the summary of annual operating statement ,it can be understood that the proposed plan involves more cost and only marginal, the management should seriously analyse the implications of the proposed plan and decide whether the y should invest in this plan or not.
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